In this book, entrepreneur and state-of-mind specialist Jamie Smart introduces a simple but profound realisation: that the human mind has its own self-clearing capacity, capable of guiding a person back to clarity, regardless of what state (or circumstances) they’re in. This book helps you to undo the conditioning that’s been keeping you from clarity, with all the benefits of wellbeing, fulfilled potential and success it brings; more time for whats important, improved decision making, better performance where it counts and more of the results that matter to you. By unlocking your inner resources Jamie Smart guides you into an understanding of innate thinking, using an entertaining and engaging combination of stories, research, case-studies and pop-culture references. You will experience increasing clarity and flow, a reduction in stress and an increase in productivity. Emerging confidence and self-belief pay dividends as they find innovative solutions to problems and make progress on goals and dreams that seemed daunting until now. Guided by intuition, their decision-making improves. Better communication skills lead to stronger relationships with bosses, colleagues, and loved ones. Uniquely (and perhaps most importantly), there is no separate implementation step for you to take. The book is written in such a way that as your understanding of innate thinking increases, the benefits start to emerge automatically in life. As you think less, youll start to win more at work, at home, and at the game of life as a whole.
Book Details:
- Author: Jamie Smart
- ISBN: 9780857084460
- Year Published: 2013
- Pages: 280
- BISAC: BUS060000, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Small Business
About the Book and Topic:
In this book, entrepreneur and state-of-mind specialist Jamie Smart introduces a simple but profound realisation: that the human mind has its own self-clearing capacity, capable of guiding a person back to clarity, regardless of what state (or circumstances) they’re in. This book helps you to undo the conditioning that’s been keeping you from clarity, with all the benefits of wellbeing, fulfilled potential and success it brings; more time for whats important, improved decision making, better performance where it counts and more of the results that matter to you. By unlocking your inner resources Jamie Smart guides you into an understanding of innate thinking, using an entertaining and engaging combination of stories, research, case-studies and pop-culture references. You will experience increasing clarity and flow, a reduction in stress and an increase in productivity. Emerging confidence and self-belief pay dividends as they find innovative solutions to problems and make progress on goals and dreams that seemed daunting until now. Guided by intuition, their decision-making improves. Better communication skills lead to stronger relationships with bosses, colleagues, and loved ones. Uniquely (and perhaps most importantly), there is no separate implementation step for you to take. The book is written in such a way that as your understanding of innate thinking increases, the benefits start to emerge automatically in life. As you think less, youll start to win more at work, at home, and at the game of life as a whole.
This book will help solve a huge problem in the modern workplace: the over-revved, congested mind. This clogged mind is the single biggest cause of stress, lack of confidence, bad decisions, strained relationships, fumbled goals and unrealized potential Its well known that leaders in every field, from Olympic medal-winners to top entrepreneurs profit from the flow states that a clear mind brings. With clarity of mind comes the focus, confidence and motivation to drive sustainable results in both work and life The book guides the reader into an understanding of this mindset by using a combination of entertaining and engaging stories, research and popular culture references The reader will experience a reduction in stress and an increase in productivity The author is uniquely placed to write this book and has a large audience of engaged followers and knows how to market effectively to them The author will be hiring a PR firm to support the launch of the book and will also contribute to retail placement marketing spend
About the Author
Jamie Smart is a state-of-mind specialist, a leading trainer and entrepreneur. He has been teaching people how their minds work and how to lead happy successful lives for 13 years. Previously in his career he has been acknowledged as one of the worlds finest NLP trainers. Today he looks beyond NLP and focuses on his concept of Innate Thinking. He runs programmes, workshops and retreats around the concept as well as taking on mentoring and coaching clients. His is always very well received at live events. He is also beginning to enter into some consultancy around the concept with plans to grow this. He has a large,global audience who follow him, read his articles, attend his programmes and buy his products. He has a mailing list of over 80,000 subscribers, with 3,100 followers on twitter (@Jamie_Smart) and 4,200 friends on facebook (JamieMSmart). His YouTube videos total over a million views (his two most popular videos have had 409,000 views and 321,000 views.)