This short form original eBook is an extension of Sheri’s speaking engagements. It opens with an introduction to Sheri’s key principles/rules of membership which will be expanded upon in much greater detail with examples in the full-length book publishing in January 2014. This original, 10,000 word, short format piece focuses on the principle of Selling What Matters.
Book Details:
- Author: Sheri Jacobs
- ISBN: 9781118767122
- Year Published: 2013
- Pages: 54
- BISAC: BUS074000, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Nonprofit Organizations & Charities
About the Book and Topic:
This short form original eBook is an extension of Sheri’s speaking engagements. It opens with an introduction to Sheri’s key principles/rules of membership which will be expanded upon in much greater detail with examples in the full-length book publishing in January 2014. This original, 10,000 word, short format piece focuses on the principle of Selling What Matters.
ASAE Annual Meeting: eBook will pre-release at no charge to attendees at ASAE’s Annual Meeting 8/3-6 2013. Attendees (6000) will have to go to the ASAE bookstore and register to receive the eBook. ASAE Support: ASAE (21,000 members) – Promotion in the ASAE catalog prior to Annual Meeting. News release, targeted e-mail marketing to identified key audiences, mentions in one or more editions of weekly InTouch e-newsletter sent to members, mention in ASAE@Work section of Associations Now, Article placement (written by Sheri) in relevant ASAE specialty e-newsletters (e.g., Membership Development), cross marketing in meeting promotions and collateral (e.g., Great Ideas (600), Marketing Membership and Communications Conference, 700 attendees), promotion on ASAE home page and in “new releases rotation on ASAE bookstore home page, product detail page, announcement to relevant ASAE committees/section councils, cross-link to from Sheri’s website. Author Speaking and Promotion: Speaking is a key component of Sheri’s commitment to the industry and her primary means of driving business to her company (11 speaking engagements confirmed 2013). She has an impressive client list of over 75 national associations which includes medical societies and professional and trade associations. Online: Twitter (1680), Facebook (1000+), Monthly email newsletter (300 association executives), Media: Chicago Tribune, WGN-TV news, USA Today, Networks: member of ASAE, Association Forum of Chicagoland, Association Media & Publishing, PCMA, ABA Bar Leadership Institute, American Association of Medical Society Executives, digitalNow.
About the Author
Sheri Jacobs, CAE, Bannockburn, IL is president and chief strategist at Avenue M Group, a full-service association marketing agency with in-depth expertise in member behavior, engagement and retention. Prior to running Avenue M, Sheri was the director of membership at the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, the American Bar Association Law Practice Management Section and Chief Marketing Officer, Association Forum of Chicagoland. She is a regular speaker and presenter at association conferences and events including ASAE’s Annual conference, Great Ideas and Marketing Membership & Communication