Valuation is at the heart of any investment decision, whether that decision is buy, sell or hold. But the pricing of any asset often has become a more complex task in modern financial markets. In order to be a successful investor, this exercise must be done with discipline and the proper valuation techniques. One valuation book stands out as withstanding the test of time among investors and students of financial markets: Investment Valuation. Now completely revised and updated to reflect changing market conditions, this book comprehensively introduces investment professionals and students to the range of valuation models available and how to chose the right model for any given asset valuation scenario.
Book Details:
- Author: Aswath Damodaran
- ISBN: 9780470314654
- Year Published: 2002
- Pages: 1008
- BISAC: BUS017020, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Corporate Finance / Valuation
About the Book and Topic:
Valuation is at the heart of any investment decision, whether that decision is buy, sell or hold. But the pricing of any asset often has become a more complex task in modern financial markets. In order to be a successful investor, this exercise must be done with discipline and the proper valuation techniques. One valuation book stands out as withstanding the test of time among investors and students of financial markets: Investment Valuation. Now completely revised and updated to reflect changing market conditions, this book comprehensively introduces investment professionals and students to the range of valuation models available and how to chose the right model for any given asset valuation scenario.
Damodaran is on our all-star team among finance/investment authors. This revision will include valuation techniques for a whole host of real options, start-up firms, unconventional assets, private equity, and real estate. All examples have been updated, and 10 new chapters will be added. In total, over 200 new pages make it much more comprehensive. The new material adds to Investment Valuation’s presence as an essential text for AIMR’s CFA exam, and build upon its readership in both the professional and student markets.
More interactive use of online databases, spreadsheets, and other supporting tools allows the book to have a close link with real-time valuation exercises. * Includes helpful case studies. * Contains stronger content on value enhancement measures, such as economic value-added and CFROI.
About the Author
ASWATH DAMODARAN is Professor of Finance at New York University’s Leonard N. Stern School of Business. He has been the recipient of numerous awards for outstanding teaching, including the NYU university-wide Distinguished Teaching Award, and was named one of the nation’s top business school teachers by Business Week in 1994. In addition, Damodaran teaches training courses in corporate finance and valuation at many leading investment banks. His publications include Damodaran on Valuation; Investment Valuation; Corporate Finance; Investment Management; and Applied Corporate Finance, all published by Wiley, and The Dark Side of Valuation.