Obtain the Best Consulting Services for Your Business In this chaotic age of new technologies, downsizing, andreengineering, managers and executives are relying more and more onthe consultant. Hiring the right consultants for your company andmaking effective use of them is a vital skill, and yet there hasbeen a lack of guidance on this topic-until now. How to Use a Consultant in Your Company delivers expert adviceand practical guidelines on how to successfully create and managethe client/consultant relationship-to your advantage. JohnMcGonagle and Carolyn Vella provide up-to-the-minute informationon: * Defining your consulting needs * Finding and selecting the right consultants * Managing the paper trail-corporate policies, contractingissues * Working with an individual consultant or an entire firm * Handling disputes, lawsuits, and complaints * Evaluating consultants Including forms and other materials for help in developingformal policies, billing procedures, and more that you can adapt tofit your own situation, How to Use a Consultant in Your Company isthe one-book-fits-all solution for anyone responsible for gettingthe most out of their company’s consultant.
Book Details:
- Author: John J. McGonagle
- ISBN: 9780470192078
- Year Published: 2001
- Pages: 288
About the Book and Topic:
Obtain the Best Consulting Services for Your Business In this chaotic age of new technologies, downsizing, andreengineering, managers and executives are relying more and more onthe consultant. Hiring the right consultants for your company andmaking effective use of them is a vital skill, and yet there hasbeen a lack of guidance on this topic-until now. How to Use a Consultant in Your Company delivers expert adviceand practical guidelines on how to successfully create and managethe client/consultant relationship-to your advantage. JohnMcGonagle and Carolyn Vella provide up-to-the-minute informationon: * Defining your consulting needs * Finding and selecting the right consultants * Managing the paper trail-corporate policies, contractingissues * Working with an individual consultant or an entire firm * Handling disputes, lawsuits, and complaints * Evaluating consultants Including forms and other materials for help in developingformal policies, billing procedures, and more that you can adapt tofit your own situation, How to Use a Consultant in Your Company isthe one-book-fits-all solution for anyone responsible for gettingthe most out of their company’s consultant.
The updated version includes new material on the following. * subjects: what are internet consultants; where does contractingout differ from consulting; where is it the same; can consultantsbe “temps”; evaluating consultants; billing and paymentarrangements; controlling costs and fees; contacts withcompetitors; anti-trust and trade regulation; using the contract toguide the retention; and non-compete clause. * This is a hot topic as the market has grown significantly dueto down sizing and reengineering–and companies today would ratherhire specialists on a job by job basis as opposed to full-time toreduce overhead.
About the Author
JOHN J. McGONAGLE, JD, LLM, is a consultant and the author orcoauthor of eleven business books, including Business Agreementsand The Internet Age of Competitive Intelligence. He previouslyserved with the President’s Private Sector Survey on Cost Control,providing expert advice on managing consultants. McGonagle has alsoheld senior staff and officer positions for major financialservices corporations. CAROLYN M. VELLA is the Founding Partner of The Helicon Group andthe author or coauthor of eight business books, including ImprovedBusiness Planning Using Competitive Intelligence and Master Guideto Control of Corporations. Her global consulting practiceencompasses clients from Australia to South Africa and from Canadato Switzerland.