Winner of the University Continuing Education Association’s CharlesA. Wedemeyer Award, which recognizes highly meritorious book-lengthpublications that advance research in independent study anddistance education. “This manual is the one we have been waiting for! It takes deadaim at all the important issues facing distance learning providersand hits the bull’s eye on every one of them. It is down to earth,real world, and up to date. Its examples and insights forpractitioners help create the sense of urgency and excitement allof us in distance learning feel today.”–Michael P. Lambert,executive director, Distance Education and Training Council Today’s advances in communications technology have createdexciting new possibilities for training professionals. But not alltechnologies are created equal. Distance Training examinesthese new tools to show how compressed video, satellitebroadcasting, the Internet, and other innovations can each be usedto their best advantage. In-depth case studies of sixteenprogressive organizations–NYNEX, Bell Atlantic, and Unisys amongthem–provide real-world models readers can use to design learningprograms that transcend the traditional boundaries of time andspace by turning the home, office, and meeting room into immediate,effective learning environments.
Book Details:
- Author: Deborah A. Schreiber
- ISBN: 9780470365137
- Year Published: 1998
- Pages: 441
About the Book and Topic:
Winner of the University Continuing Education Association’s CharlesA. Wedemeyer Award, which recognizes highly meritorious book-lengthpublications that advance research in independent study anddistance education. “This manual is the one we have been waiting for! It takes deadaim at all the important issues facing distance learning providersand hits the bull’s eye on every one of them. It is down to earth,real world, and up to date. Its examples and insights forpractitioners help create the sense of urgency and excitement allof us in distance learning feel today.”–Michael P. Lambert,executive director, Distance Education and Training Council Today’s advances in communications technology have createdexciting new possibilities for training professionals. But not alltechnologies are created equal. Distance Training examinesthese new tools to show how compressed video, satellitebroadcasting, the Internet, and other innovations can each be usedto their best advantage. In-depth case studies of sixteenprogressive organizations–NYNEX, Bell Atlantic, and Unisys amongthem–provide real-world models readers can use to design learningprograms that transcend the traditional boundaries of time andspace by turning the home, office, and meeting room into immediate,effective learning environments.
About the Author
DEBORAH A. SCHREIBER is founder and president of D.A. Schreiber, Inc., a distance learning consulting group that specializes in the corporate application of distance training. She also serves on the faculty of the University of Maryland Baltimore County in the Instructional Systems Development and Technology Graduate Program. ZANE L. BERGE is director of training systems in the Instructional Systems Development and Technology Graduate Program at UMBC. He has edited seven books, written numerous articles, and conducts workshops and presentations on distance teaching and learning.