The A to Z of Being Your Best sets a new standard in personal development books. Since ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ there has been little advance in thinking for how individuals get the most out of life. Trends in business and our personal lives have tended to be addressed separately. But trends are changing. The core of Tom Peter’s advice these days is to ‘work on the person’. Deepak Chopra is taking his mind/body/spirit work into corporate America. The A-Z.. catches this wave and brings together solutions for work and life issues in 26 brilliantly inspiring and entertaining examples. It is a book for people who want ideas and actions; who dont want to waste time; who recognize the world will not change, so perhaps they need to. It shares a strategy of success with the reader: identify your niche, follow the 26 guidelines, and business and personal chaos around you will drop away. For example: B is for Belief. We have empowering beliefs (we get what we want) and limiting beliefs (which hold us back). A limiting belief is “I’ll never be assertive enough to ask my boss for a salary raise”. An empowering belief would be “I’ll learn from the last time I asked, and line up powerful arguments for why I should get a raise”. We must focus on empowering beliefs and edit the limiting ones. The A to Z of Being Your Best is a book that will be credible with business people who are notoriously cynical of development and success literature because it is robust, focused and action-orientated. In particular it is: Strongly action-orientated. The need for action and how to take it has been strongly woven into every page. Positioned as personal re-invention and doesn’t suggest any particular weakness on the part of the reader. Short enough to be manageable and actually get read, but long enough to have depth. A business book as much as a personal book Fast-moving and naturally structured, sequential and logical with its A-Z structure.
Book Details:
- Author: Nicholas Bate
- ISBN: 9780857082671
- Year Published: 2011
- Pages: 210
- BISAC: BUS012000, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Careers / General
About the Book and Topic:
The A to Z of Being Your Best sets a new standard in personal development books. Since ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ there has been little advance in thinking for how individuals get the most out of life. Trends in business and our personal lives have tended to be addressed separately. But trends are changing. The core of Tom Peter’s advice these days is to ‘work on the person’. Deepak Chopra is taking his mind/body/spirit work into corporate America. The A-Z.. catches this wave and brings together solutions for work and life issues in 26 brilliantly inspiring and entertaining examples. It is a book for people who want ideas and actions; who dont want to waste time; who recognize the world will not change, so perhaps they need to. It shares a strategy of success with the reader: identify your niche, follow the 26 guidelines, and business and personal chaos around you will drop away. For example: B is for Belief. We have empowering beliefs (we get what we want) and limiting beliefs (which hold us back). A limiting belief is “I’ll never be assertive enough to ask my boss for a salary raise”. An empowering belief would be “I’ll learn from the last time I asked, and line up powerful arguments for why I should get a raise”. We must focus on empowering beliefs and edit the limiting ones. The A to Z of Being Your Best is a book that will be credible with business people who are notoriously cynical of development and success literature because it is robust, focused and action-orientated. In particular it is: Strongly action-orientated. The need for action and how to take it has been strongly woven into every page. Positioned as personal re-invention and doesn’t suggest any particular weakness on the part of the reader. Short enough to be manageable and actually get read, but long enough to have depth. A business book as much as a personal book Fast-moving and naturally structured, sequential and logical with its A-Z structure.
Key title in Capstone’s growing personal development list.
The A to Z of Being the Your Best is the first in a new breed of personal development books where soft personal development meets hard corporate development. People want the best of both worlds and this book gives it to them. Concept has already been roadtested with the author’s key clients, including Microsoft and Marks & Spencer, who love it. Author has a strong route to market via his seminars, web site and newsletter.
About the Author
Nicholas Bate is an MD of Strategic Edge, a leading, small consultancy established 15 years ago with the simple aim of enabling individuals realise and release their true potential. Nicholas has also taught in the state sector and worked in sales, marketing and IT training. He is an NLP Business and Master Practitioner, and a Mind Maps Inside Buzan accredited trainer. His current major clients include Microsoft and Marks & Spencer.