Auditing and assurance is a fundamental area of the financial world and a mandatory element of all professional accountancy syllabuses. However, the basic concepts of auditing can be problematic and students can sometimes be overwhelmed by premature immersion in detail. This user-friendly book is designed for those taking professional examinations in accounting, and covers the core concepts of professional auditing and assurance syllabuses (for example those of the ACCA and ICAEW), with an emphasis on key knowledge and basic application skills. It does not seek to be a comprehensive treatment of the subject; rather it is a useful primer in the basic concepts of audit and assurance, which are handled in simple, clear terms. Covering material relevant to students both inside and outside the UK, it works in harmony with the training material produced by established learning providers by giving a firm foundation upon which the more advanced material can build. Key features of the book are: An emphasis on application skills, which are often key to passing the examinations. Coverage of International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) relevant to students both inside and outside the UK, including explanations of the differences between UK and International standards, where they occur. Practical examples. Questions at the end of each chapter to enable the reader to test their knowledge. A companion website containing an additional bank of questions for use by lecturers. Clear and comprehensible coverage of the wider concept area of assurance, which is becoming an increasingly important area of audit.
Book Details:
- Author: Katharine Bagshaw
- ISBN: 9781118454169
- Year Published: 2013
- Pages: 512
About the Book and Topic:
Auditing and assurance is a fundamental area of the financial world and a mandatory element of all professional accountancy syllabuses. However, the basic concepts of auditing can be problematic and students can sometimes be overwhelmed by premature immersion in detail. This user-friendly book is designed for those taking professional examinations in accounting, and covers the core concepts of professional auditing and assurance syllabuses (for example those of the ACCA and ICAEW), with an emphasis on key knowledge and basic application skills. It does not seek to be a comprehensive treatment of the subject; rather it is a useful primer in the basic concepts of audit and assurance, which are handled in simple, clear terms. Covering material relevant to students both inside and outside the UK, it works in harmony with the training material produced by established learning providers by giving a firm foundation upon which the more advanced material can build. Key features of the book are: An emphasis on application skills, which are often key to passing the examinations. Coverage of International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) relevant to students both inside and outside the UK, including explanations of the differences between UK and International standards, where they occur. Practical examples. Questions at the end of each chapter to enable the reader to test their knowledge. A companion website containing an additional bank of questions for use by lecturers. Clear and comprehensible coverage of the wider concept area of assurance, which is becoming an increasingly important area of audit.
Audit and assurance is a fundamental area of the financial world and a key element of all professional accountancy syllabuses. Even where more advanced auditing papers may be optional, students are required to take and pass the auditing module if they wish to be eligible for the auditing element of their practising certificate. Unfortunately, students often particularly struggle with audit papers, which frequently have lower pass rates than other papers taken at the same level; even in the advanced auditing papers, students sometimes demonstrate fundamental weaknesses on basic concepts. Material produced by the professional bodies seeks to be comprehensive and is designed to cover high level application and analytical skills, but this immersion in detail can be unhelpful and confusing if the student does not have a sound understanding of the essentials.
ACCESSIBLE PRIMER; professional training on these topics tends to gloss over basic concepts and immerse students in great detail from the beginning, which can lead to confusion. This book gives a strong grounding in the key, basic audit features, definitions and requirements to provide a firm foundation for further study. KEY AREA; audit and assurance are included in all professional accountancy syllabuses. TOOLS AND Q contains practical examples and questions at the end of each chapter to enable the reader to test their knowledge. A bank of additional questions and answers will be available on a companion website.
About the Author
Katharine Bagshaw, London, UK has 20 years of experience as a technical specialist in ISAs and wrote some of the first UK training materials on ISAs in the mid 1990s. She trained with and has worked for firms that are now Ernst s auditing examiner for three years. Since 2000, Katharine has worked for ICAEWs Audit and Assurance Faculty with responsibility for ICAEWs extensive ISA Implementation program. She is currently Secretary to its ISA Implementation group and to ICAEWs PCAOB Panel. She is also Technical Adviser to a UK representative on IFACs SMP Committee and has written numerous articles for the professional press. She is the author of several specialist auditing publications on ISAs.